Magic Poker
° A set of 5 cards is dealt.
° Each new game costs a bet.
° Each deck of cards consists of cards ranging from 2 to ACE.
° It is possible to unlock all blocked cards. It is not mandatory to change cards. If no cards are changed, a new game is started.
° A ROYAL STRAIGHT must contain an ACE. The Joker cannot replace the ACE of a ROYAL STRAIGHT.
The player triggers BONUS 3 when all steps of the Bonus path are activated.
Each step of the path is activated when a THREE OF A KIND appears.
This prize is obtained instead of the normal prize corresponding to a Three of a Kind.
BONUS 3 can contain a Joker symbol.
The player receives the BONUS 4 prize when a combination of 4 identical cards appears as presented in the BONUS 4 panel.
The combination in the BONUS 4 panel changes after each BONUS 4 win.
This prize is paid instead of the usual Four of a Kind prize. BONUS 4 can contain a Joker symbol.